Diatomaceous Earth or D.E. is what I often refer to as "God's little miracle powder", even though technically it's not a powder at all.
D.E. is actually fossilized diatoms or the remains of marine phytoplankton. It's 100% Organic and has numerous uses that are not only safe around animals but humans as well. It works through a physical action and not a chemical one. Organic gardeners often use D.E. in their gardens/farms for pest control.
It's effective uses compile a rather long list from chemical free pest control for the home and garden to natural dewormer in animals and humans.
The way D.E. works internally is so amazing yet quite simple. It is formed of rock hard (comes in at a 7 on the hardness scale, Diamonds are a 9) cylinder tubes full of holes. They are negatively charged and as they move through the body they attract and absorb viruses, toxins, drug residues, pesticides, heavy metals and e-coli then pass through the body. It's microscopically sharp edges work as little scrubbers inside the intestinal walls removing years of gunk build up and mucus, helping us absorb more nutrients from our food.
Some D.E. is absorbed into the blood stream as silica which helps in destroying bad fats and lowers cholesterol, along with numerous human uses such as lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure, detoxing your body, treating Osteoporosis, and naturally killing ridding your body of unwanted parasites. Please see the many Human Uses to find out even more.
Externally D.E. works against pest like ants, spiders, bed bugs, fleas. ticks, lice, and mites by slicing through their exoskeletons and dehydrating them causing them to die. It also slices slugs and snails keeping them out of the garden. Dust your vegetable plants such as tomatoes and peppers to keep aphids from destroying your precious plants.
Safely and effectively deworm your dog, your livestock and even yourself by adding D.E. to their feed or in your morning coffee. It works the same way by microscopically slicing up any internal parasites and causing them to die and flush through your system. Dust your poultry in D.E. to treat or simply prevent mites and lice. Dust your dog and cat to treat and prevent fleas, ticks, lice and mites (the number one cause of Demodectic, Sarcoptic and Cheyletiella mange).
When using D.E. around your home and garden always use Food Grade D.E. as there are several other D.E. products available but they have often been mucked with. D.E. labeled as a chemical insecticide has Pyrethrin added to it, and never use the one for Pool filtration systems as it has been super heated and changed from a pure absorbent silica to crystalline silica which is very toxic.
The only known harmful effect from using Food Grade D.E. is if it gets in your eyes as it is drying and can be scratchy. Or if it is inhaled, especially for those who have asthma as it can irritate the lungs.
One of the great things about D.E. is that it naturally provides Silica. Silica is naturally found in our foods and our soil however decades of over-farming and not properly taking care of the soil has caused a huge depletion of silica. Did you know that cancer can not form in cells where the silica amounts are properly balanced because silica promotes an alkaline environment and supports normal cell division? D.E. is currently being tested in Alzheimer testing as it is proven to remove heavy metal, and as Alzheimer's is believed to be connected to metal absorption in the brain...then it only makes sense.
The amount of D.E. that my family and I take is 1tbsp per day. I must also mention that the FDA has not approved D.E. for human consumption though it has been rated as "Generally Regarded as Safe." Well considering the fact that the FDA will approve everything Monsanto manufactures regarding US agriculture and the poisons in it, then D.E.'s lack of FDA approval is a good thing to me!! :) Sorry for the political vent!
There really are so many benefits to not only taking D.E. yourself but using it on your animals and around your home and garden. I urge you to give it a try!
Visit How Diatomaceous Earth works to learn more.
Going Green using Diatomaceous Earth How-To tips by Tui Rose helps to explain even more of the wonderful uses for D.E.
In Australia visit The Plant Doctor and in the United States visit Earth Works Health to Order Diatomaceous Earth.